
2024/4/12 1:42:04

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson6 Day43 2023.6.16 周五

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson6 Day43 2023.6.16 周五 引言🍉句1: Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journey to the other world.成分划分弱读连读爆破语调 🍉句2: This is a moving spectacl…

Fall in love with English

Fall in love with English 爱上英语 Hiding behind the loose dusty curtain, a teenager packed up his overcoat into the suitcase. 躲藏在布满尘土的松软的窗帘后边,一个年轻人打包他的外套到行李箱中。 He planned to leave home at dusk though there was th…

English Learning - Day4 L1考前复习 2023.2.9 周四

English Learning - Day4 L1考前复习 2023.2.9 周四1 单选题:________ you were very busy then, you ________ to tell me that.2 单选题:If you ______ smoke, please go outside.3 汉译英:我问过她了,可她不愿来。5 汉译英&…

English Learning - Day55 作业打卡 2023.2.9 周四

English Learning - Day55 作业打卡 2023.2.9 周四引言1. Jim 在看电视的时候他的老婆正在做饭。2. 他刚睡着电话就响了。3. 我正在想事情,这时忽然有人从后面抓我胳膊。4. 我们总是边吃火锅边唱歌。5. 他一听说出了事故,马上就来了现场。6. He entered …

English Learning - L2 语音作业打卡 双元音 [ɔɪ] [ɪə] Day16 2023.3.8 周三

English Learning - L2 语音作业打卡 双元音 [ɔɪ] [ɪə] Day16 2023.3.8 周三💌发音小贴士:💌当日目标音发音规则/技巧:🍭 Part 1【热身练习】🍭 Part2【练习内容】🍭【练习感受】🍓元音 [ɔ…

English Learning - L3 Lesson7 TED Living Beyond Limits 上 译文

LIVING BEYOND LIMITS Amy Purdy If your life were a book and you were the author, how would you want your story to go? That’s the question that changed my life forever. 如果你的人生是一本书,你是书的作者,你会怎么写你的故事&#xff1f…

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson5 Day36 2023.6.9 周五

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson5 Day36 2023.6.9 周五 引言🍉句1: So next time you are on a train, look around and see what other people are reading, but dont jump to any conclusions.成分划分弱读连读爆破语调 🍉句2: You will probab…

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson3 Day20 2023.5.24 周三

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson3 Day20 2023.5.24 周三 引言🍉句1: She would always give us nutritious food.成分划分连读语调 🍉句2: She liked serving us meat and potatoes for dinner.成分划分弱读连读爆破语调 # 🍉句3: Mea…


文章目录 被动语态的结构被动语态的用法主动语态和被动语态的转换被动语态总结 被动:主语是谓语的承受者 什么是语态 I clean the room. The room is cleaned(谓语) by me. 被动语态的结构 The room is cleaned by me. be 动词过去分词&am…

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson7 Day48 2023.6.21 周三

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson7 Day48 2023.6.21 周三 引言🍉句1: I thought the worst was over until weeks later when I saw my new legs for the first time.成分划分弱读连读爆破语调 🍉句2: I didn’t know what to expect but I wasn‘…


回顾:第二部分讲解的是并列句,即多件同等重要的事通过并列连词进行相连接,构成并列句 但是,现实生活中并不是许多事都是同等重要的,复合句就出现了,复合句全称为主从复合句 复合句 多件事不一样重要 主句…


Good morning, everyone! I’m going to share an update about my recent work activities which encompasses two key areas. Specifically, I’ll offer insights into my activities yesterday and outline my agenda for today. Yesterday’s primary task was to segm…


二、简单句的核心变化 简单句的核心变化其实就是 一主一谓(n. v.) 表达一件事情,谓语动词是其中最重要的部分,谓语动词的变化主要有四种:三态加一否(时态、语态、情态、否定),其中…

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson1 Day4 2023.5.8 周一

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson1 Day4 2023.5.8 周一 引言🍉句1: They may say they are red hot about something unfair.成分划分弱读连读爆破语调 🍉句2: When they are red hot, they are very angry about something.成分划分弱读连读爆破语…

English Learning - L2 第1次小组纠音 [ɑː] [ɔː] [uː] 2023.2.25 周六

English Learning - L2 第1次小组纠音 [ɑː] [ɔː] [uː] 2023.2.25 周六共性问题分析大后元音 [ɑː]大后元音 [ɔː]后元音 [uː]我的发音问题后元音 [uː]大后元音 [ɑː] 和 [ɔː]纠音过程第一次第二次第三次共性问题分析 大后元音 [ɑː] 嘴唇过于松散,没…


文章目录 一、生病的各种症状用英语怎么说?二、关于天气的英语怎么说? 一、生病的各种症状用英语怎么说? Im coughting! I have a sore throat. Ive lost my voice. I have a runny nose and a stuffy nose. I have shivers and a body a…

English Learning - L2-12 英音地道语音语调 音的同化 爆破技巧 2023.04.4 周二

English Learning - L2-12 英音地道语音语调 音的同化 爆破技巧 2023.04.4 周二音的同化因声带影响发生同化因发音部位的影响而发生同化失去爆破摆拍爆破(爆破音+爆破音)谦让型爆破爆破音摩擦音 与 爆破音破擦音爆破音鼻辅音/舌边音爆破综合练…

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson7 Day54 2023.6.29 周四

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson7 Day54 2023.6.29 周四 引言🍉句1: I daydreamed like I did as a little girl and I imagined myself walking gracefully, helping other people through my journey and snowboarding again.成分划分连读爆破语调 &#x…

Alan Watt - Dream of life(生命之梦)

Alan Watt - Dream of life(生命之梦) If you awaken from this illusion and you understand that black implies white, self implies other, life implies death, or shall I say death implies life, you can feel yourself not as a stranger in t…

English Learning - L2 第 6 次小组纠音 对比复习 [e] [æ] [ɔː] [ɒ] 2023.3.15 周三

English Learning - L2 第 6 次小组纠音 对比复习 [e] [] [ɔː] [ɒ] 2023.3.15 周三共性问题微笑音 [e] 的共性问题梅花音 [] 的共性问题[ɔː] 的共性问题[ɒ] 的共性问题我的问题纠音过程共性问题 微笑音 [e] 的共性问题 口型不要偏大,类似 [] 音,…


THINGS YOU LIKE Q:Do you like social science? Yes, I can’t get enough of it.Yes, what I like most about it is it’s so interesting, for example, last week I read an article about solar panels and how we use them to protect the planet.Yes, I lo…


用一个从句来做定语。 1. 什么是定语从句? 1. 从句 引导词 句子(主语 谓语); 2. 定语是来修饰名词的,位置是 "前小后大"; 定语从句的特征:名词引导词(主&#xff0…

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson6 Day40 2023.6.13 周二

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson6 Day40 2023.6.13 周二 引言🍉句1: As they are expected to be hungry after their long journey, food is laid out for them.成分划分弱读连读爆破语调 🍉句2: Specially-made lanterns are hung outside each…

English Learning - L3 综合练习 7 TED-Living Beyond the Limits 2023.06.14 周三

English Learning - L3 综合练习 7 TED-Living Beyond the Limits 2023.06.14 周三 句 1扩展 go 句 2句 3句 4 - 6句 7-8句 9 - 10句 11扩展 detour 句 12 -13句 14扩展生词 句 15 -16句 17 -18扩展 patchwork 句 18句 19扩展生词 句 20句 21扩展生词 句 22句 23句 24句 25 -26…

English Learning - L3 Lesson6 NCE2-Dead Return 译文

嚼碎新概念 (第二册 L96) A Festival for the Dead is held once a year in Japan. 在日本每年都要举行一次亡灵节。 This festival is a cheerful occasion, for on this day, the dead are said to return to their homes and they are welcomed by …

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson7 Day46 2023.6.19 周一

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson7 Day46 2023.6.19 周一 引言🍉句1: If your life were a book and you were the author, how would you want your story to go?成分划分弱读连读语调 🍉句2: That’s the question that changed my life foreve…

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson2 Day12 2023.5.16 周二

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson2 Day12 2023.5.16 周二 引言🍉句1: Dollars are called greenbacks because that is the color of the back side of the paper money.成分划分弱读连读爆破语调 🍉句2: The color black is used often in expres…


1 Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? 你能够像罐头工人一样装罐头吗? 2 I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I wont wish the wish you wish to wish. 我希望梦想着你梦想中的梦想, 但…

English Learning - L3 综合练习 3 VOA-Food 2023.05.17 周三

English Learning - L3 综合练习 3 VOA-Food 2023.05.17 周三 句 1句 2句 3句 4句 5句 6句 7句 8句 9句 10句 11句 12句 13句 14句 15结尾:注意力和记忆力,都是需要开垦的 句 1 注意后面的介词短语是当定语的 我们提供更多有关食物的表达。 they are f…

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson3 Day22 2023.5.26 周五

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson3 Day22 2023.5.26 周五 引言🍉句1: He would never pour salt on a wound, or make someone feel worse about something that was already a painful experience.成分划分弱读连读爆破语调 🍉句2: However, some…

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson3 Day21 2023.5.25 周四

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson3 Day21 2023.5.25 周四 引言🍉句1: Here is another expression about meat one man’s meat is another man’s poison.成分划分连读爆破语调 🍉句2: In other words, one person might like something very muc…


标题希望计算机专业学生都知道这些宝藏老师c 语言——翁凯老师, 郝斌老师C ——侯捷老师Python——北大陈斌老师Java——韩顺平老师Linux——韩顺平老师数据结构——王卓老师, 陈越老师操作系统——哈工大李治军老师, 南大蒋炎岩老师计算机网络——中科大郑烇老师计算机组成原理…

Phrasal Verbs

To Crop Up I have to work late today, something cropped up at work. In my hometown Chinese restaurants are cropping up everywhere. to crop up to appear unexpectedly/suddenly To Nail Down It’s hard to nail down the reason, but maybe it’s because… to na…

English Learning - L2 语音作业打卡 小元音 [ə] [e] Day11 2023.3.3 周五

English Learning - L2 语音作业打卡 小元音 [ə] [e] Day11 2023.3.3 周五💌发音小贴士:💌当日目标音发音规则/技巧:🍭 Part 1【热身练习】🍭 Part2【练习内容】🍭【练习感受】🍓元音 [ə]&…

Answering difficult questions in other way

I’m not (too) sure Q:Do you think computers make life easier? A:I’m not (too) sure, to be honest, but I reckon they do make life easier because… I can’t say for sure, but … Q:Do you think computers make lif…

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson3 Day15 2023.5.19 周五

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson3 Day15 2023.5.19 周五 引言🍉句1: We present more expressions about food.成分划分连读爆破语调 🍉句2: They are from Elenir Scardueli, a listener in Brazil.成分划分弱读连读语调 🍉句3: My m…

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson3 Day19 2023.5.23 周二

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson3 Day19 2023.5.23 周二 引言🍉句1: She also told us “you have to break some eggs to make an omelet”.成分划分弱读连读爆破语调 🍉句2: This means you have to do what is necessary to move forward.成分…


这里写自定义目录标题1. 白领必备书写职场英文邮件参考1. 从问候开始2. 邮件的开头3. 表明你的意图4. 在邮件的结尾5. 十种场合的表达5.1. Greeting message 祝福5.2. Initiate a meeting 发起会议5.3. Seeking for more information/feedbacks/suggestions 咨询信息 / 反馈 / …

English Learning - L2 语音作业打卡 助动词弱读技巧 Day52 2023.4.13 周四

English Learning - L2 语音作业打卡 助动词弱读技巧 Day52 2023.4.13 周四💌发音小贴士:💌当日目标音发音规则/技巧:助动词弱读:🍭 Part 1【热身练习】🍭 Part2【练习内容】🍭【练习感受】☕今…

Follow My Heart Of Apirl. 2023

This article will tell all my story in my daily file to make some deep memories in my heart for Apirl.2023. The line template: The template will be used as the mark of the storys start. 2023.04.10 Commodity n. 货物、商品、日用品 1. Global commodity prices …

English Learning - L3 综合练习 4 VOA-Food 2023.05.24 周三

English Learning - L3 综合练习 4 VOA-Food 2023.05.24 周三 句 1句 2Support 拓展养家,养家之人 句 3mustard 芥末expect 扩展 句 4句 5句 6句 7颁奖句 8句 9句 10句 11句 12句 13句 14好声音比赛 句 1 句 2 Support 拓展 Support 作动词时: Support …

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson7 Day52 2023.6.27 周二

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson7 Day52 2023.6.27 周二 引言🍉句1: And that is when it dawned on me that I didn’t have to be 5,5 ft. anymore.成分划分弱读连读爆破语调 🍉句2: I could be as tall as I wanted, or as short as I wanted …



English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson5 Day34 2023.6.7 周三

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson5 Day34 2023.6.7 周三 引言🍉句1: The woman reading the romantic novel could be a lawyer.成分划分弱读连读爆破语调 🍉句2: She just wants a light read to take her mind off work.成分划分弱读连读爆破语调…

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson4 Day29 2023.6.2 周五

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson4 Day29 2023.6.2 周五 引言🍉句1: I once made a big mistake at the office and felt foolish.成分划分弱读连读爆破语调 🍉句2: I had egg on my face.成分划分弱读语调 🍉句3: Over the weekend, m…

持续更新串联记忆English words

(一)这是一组关于“服装搭配”的单词。通过在记忆中检索,回忆起隐藏的信息吧~ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>今日单词>>&…

English Learning - L2 语音作业打卡 日常表达节重音奏技巧 Day53 2023.4.14 周五

English Learning - L2 语音作业打卡 日常表达重音节奏技巧 Day53 2023.4.14 周五💌发音小贴士:💌当日目标音发音规则/技巧:🍭 Part 1【热身练习】🍭 Part2【练习内容】🍭【练习感受】☕今日练习句子&#…

English Learning - Day5 L1考前复习 2023.2.10 周五

English Learning - Day5 L1考前复习 2023.2.10 周五1 单选题:She has the face _________.2 单选题: The goals ________ he fought all his life no longer seemed important to him.3 单选题:Sales director is a position ______ communi…

English Learning - L3 综合练习 8 TED-Living Beyond the Limits 2023.06.21 周三

English Learning - L3 综合练习 8 TED-Living Beyond the Limits 2023.06.21 周三 句 1句 2扩展 句 3句 4句 5句 6句 7扩展 random 句 8扩展 句 9句 10句 11句 12句 13句 14句 15句 16句 17句 18句 19句 20句 21句 22句 23 句 1 Four months later I was back up on a snowbo…

English Learning - L2 语音作业打卡 复习 [u:] [i:] Day38 2023.3.30 周四

English Learning - L2 语音作业打卡 复习 [u:] [i:] Day38 2023.3.30 周四💌发音小贴士:💌当日目标音发音规则/技巧:后元音 [u:]前元音 [i:]🍭 Part 1【热身练习】🍭 Part2【练习内容】🍭【练习感受】&…

English Learning - L3 综合练习 2 VOA-Color 2023.05.10 周三

English Learning - L3 综合练习 2 VOA-Color 2023.05.10 周三 句 1 the color green is natual for trees and grass句 2 But it is an unnatural color for humans拓展 be adj. for 句 3句 4句 5句 6句 7句 8 The color black is used often in expressions句 9句 10句 11句…


文章目录 什么是英语的句子?英语句子的结构句子的成分(词性问题)谓语系动词主语宾语表语 并列句从句引导词名词性从句形容词性从句(定语从句)副词性从句(状语从句) 特殊结构强调句型倒装句型虚拟…


2018年4月1日——星期日 今天听的是 AJ-26-Search fo Meaning 一个小胖子最终变瘦的故事。 那么今天就分享:如何用英语委婉地表达“胖” 1. a little bit on the heavy side 有一点点重 例句:Im not fat ,Im just a little bit on the heavy side.我不肥…


✤ 时态的定义 时态就是表示一个动作发生的时间和所处的状态 时:动作发生的时刻 态:动作在某个时刻的样子 时态时间x状态 ✤ 时间的定义 英语时态中把时间分为四类:过去(past)、 过去将来(past future)、现在(now)和将来(future) 因为…

The Great President

The Great President president As the founder of the republic, the president had many good qualities. 作为共和国的创始人,这位总统有很多好的品质。 founder republic qualities Before coming to power, he was a generous lawyer. generous 在掌权之前…

Lesson 16: Plans for traveling

1. 介绍一下旅游的情况 could you give me some information on European tours?do you have any other (package) tours?what do you recommand 2. 我想预约周一去纽约的票 I’d like to book a ticket(flight) / reserve a seat / to New York for next Monday?What’s…

Note: Balanced Diet

Balanced Diet 平衡膳食 diet balanced Wang Peng earned his living by running a barbecue restaurant, which served delicious bacon, fried chiken breast and mutton roasted with pepper and garlic. 王鹏经营一家烧烤餐厅来谋生,它提供美味的培根&#xf…

English Learning - L3 Lesson3 VOA-Food 译文

听碎 VOA NOW, THE VOA SPECIAL ENGLISH PROGRAM WORDS AND THEIR STORIES We present more expressions about food. They are from Elenir Scardueli, a listener in Brazil. 今天我们将介绍更多关于食物的表达,由巴西听众 Elenir Scardueli 提供。 My mother a…

2024年3月8日 晨会汇报

Good morning, colleagues! Before I dive into today’s work, I’d like to take a moment to share some updates over my work activities from yesterday and outline my agenda for today. Firstly, let me touch on the work activities from yesterday. Yesterday’…

What are linking words?

Linking words meaning:Firstly Q:Is it a good idea to always eat healthy food? A1:Yes it is, firstly, it helps us feel better, but it can also help us live longer. A2:Yes I’d say so. To kick off, a healthy diet…

Rachel‘s English - speaking

文章目录 1. Want to Speak English Confidently?...FRIENDS can help you!2. Study English | American English Pronunciation | What Makes American English Sound AMERICAN?3. English Pronunciation Study: What did you do Today? 1. Want to Speak English Confiden…

English Learning - L2 第 10 次小组纠音 辅音 [m] [n] [ŋ] 半元音 [w] [j] 2023.3.29 周三

English Learning - L2 第 10 次小组纠音 辅音 [m] [n] [ŋ] [w] [j] 2023.3.29 周三共性问题more Autumn [ɔː] 舌位偏前gone evening 前后鼻音不分Hes proud of this name 双元音缺乏滑动感bank thing 中的后鼻音发成前鼻音week what yolk 元音 [iː] [ɒ] 舌位偏前 [əʊ] …

雅思词汇——Word List 2(V2)

文章目录 1. regional [ˈriːdʒənl]2. secure [sɪˈkjʊər]3. preserve [prɪˈzɜːrv]4. reject [rɪˈdʒɛkt]5. code [koʊd]6. seek [siːk]7. item [ˈaɪtəm]8. crown [kraʊn]9. effort [ˈɛfərt]10. point [pɔɪnt]11. review [rɪˈvjuː]12. fabrication …


drawn from 取自 In machine learning, it is often assumed that the training and test subjects are drawn from the same distribution. bound 约束 many existing methods aim to bound the target error by the source error plus a discrepancy metric betwe…

Note: A Horrible Earthquake

A horrible earthquake horrible Dirty water rose in wells and canals before the earthquake. 地震前,水井和河道里污水都涨起来了。 well canals But no one judged that an earthquake was coming. 但是没有人判断出地震就要来临了。 judged Suddenly, eve…

English Learning - L2 第 7 次小组纠音 辅音 [p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g] 2023.3.18 周六

English Learning - L2 第 7 次小组纠音 辅音 [p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g] 2023.3.18 周六共性问题[p] [b] 的共性问题[t] [d] 的共性问题[k] [g] 的共性问题其它元音共性问题我的问题纠音过程共性问题 [p] [b] 的共性问题 气息过冲,喷麦的现象,例如&…

English Learning - L2 第 14 次小组纠音 复习元音 [ɔɪ ] [aʊ] [əʊ] [ɪə] 弱读 2023.4.12 周三

English Learning - L2 第 14 次小组纠音 复习元音 [ɔɪ ] [aʊ] [əʊ] [ɪə] 弱读 2023.4.12 周三共性问题coin voice /kɔɪn/ /vɔɪs/ 中 ɔɪvowel pounds /ˈvaʊəl/ /paʊndz/ 中的 aʊshow /ʃəʊ/beer nearly /bɪə/ /ˈnɪəlɪ/ 中的 ɪəbest bed ten /best/…

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson3 Day18 2023.5.22 周一

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson3 Day18 2023.5.22 周一 引言🍉句1: People said my mother was “a good egg”.成分划分弱读连读语调 🍉句2: She would always help anyone in need.成分划分连读语调 🍉句3: We never had to “walk…

常用的gpt-4 prompt words收集7

本文介绍我最近收集的一些好用的chatgpt-4的prompts,如果你也有好用的提示词可以互相交流一下。 1. IELTS exam 雅思考试 2. Please translate this article into Chinese, avoiding personal pronouns and using an impersonal style. 拒接语气词 3. “token …

Day01 每日英语

1. Aries 白羊座 Aries is the first astrological sign in the zodiac and is symbolized by the ram. Aries individuals are typically known for their energy, enthusiasm, and assertiveness. They are often seen as natural leaders who are not afraid to take charge…

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson2 Day11 2023.5.15 周一

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson2 Day11 2023.5.15 周一 引言🍉句1: Sometimes a person may be upset because he does not have something as nice as a friend has, like a fast new car.成分划分弱读连读爆破语调 🍉句2: That person may say…


从句指复合句中不能独立成句,但具有主语部分和谓语部分,由that、who、what、when、how等引导词引导的非主句部分。 名词性从句是在句子中起名词作用的句子。 1. 名词的用法 1. This movie is interesting. 名词作为主语 2. I like the hero. 名词…

English: words used for emphasis

表肯定与确认 Certainly: 当然 (sɜːrtənli) Certainly, I can help you with that. Absolutely: 绝对地 (bsəluːtli) Absolutely, I agree with your proposal. Indeed: 的确 (ɪn’diːd) Indeed, it is a beautiful painting. Surely: 确定地 (ʃʊrli) Surely, you …

English Learning - L2 语音作业打卡 复习双元音 [ɔɪ] [aʊ] 代词弱读技巧 Day49 2023.4.10 周一

English Learning - L2 语音作业打卡 复习双元音 [ɔɪ] [aʊ] 代词弱读技巧 Day49 2023.4.10 周一💌发音小贴士:💌当日目标音发音规则/技巧:目标音 [ɔɪ]目标音 [aʊ]代词弱读式🍭 Part 1【热身练习】🍭 Part2【练习…

English Learning - L2 语音作业打卡 中元音 [ɜ:] 前元音 [æ] Day8 2023.2.28 周二

English Learning - L2 语音作业打卡 中元音 [ɜ:] 前元音 [] Day8 2023.2.28 周二💌 发音小贴士:💌 当日目标音发音规则/技巧:🍭 Part 1【热身练习】🍭 Part2【练习内容】🍭【练习感受】&#…

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson7 Day47 2023.6.20 周二

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson7 Day47 2023.6.20 周二 引言🍉句1: Growing up in a hot Las Vegas desert, all I wanted was to be free.成分划分弱读连读语调 🍉句2: I would daydream about traveling the world, living in a place where i…

English Learning - L2 语音作业打卡 助动词弱读 Day58 2023.4.19 周三

English Learning - L2 语音作业打卡 助动词弱读 Day58 2023.4.19 周三 💌发音小贴士:💌当日目标音发音规则/技巧:🍭 Part 1【热身练习】🍭 Part2【练习内容】🍭【练习感受】☕今日练习句子:Wha…

English Learning - L2 语音作业打卡 Day4 2023.2.24 周五

English Learning - L2 语音作业打卡 Day4 2023.2.24 周五💌 发音小贴士:💌 当日目标音发音规则/技巧:🍭 Part 1【热身练习】🍭 Part2【练习内容】🍭【练习感受】🍓元音 [u:]&#x…

7 IT Career Paths and How to Get Started in 2023

文章目录 7 IT Career Paths and How to Get Started in 2023IT career paths1. Computer support2. Cybersecurity3. Networks and systems4. Software development5. Web development6. Data7. Cloud computing 7 IT Career Paths and How to Get Started in 2023 Working i…


-------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Programming* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Other*

雅思词汇——Word List 2(V1)

目录 regional secure preserve reject code seek item crown effort point review fabrication series variation margin distraction complicate tram maturity download refer interview extent evacuate stint embankment squash federation …

Note: Different Countries Have Different Kinds of English

Different Countries Have Different Kinds of English. 不同的国家有不同种类的英语。 Voyages of people from England play an important part in spreading the English language. 英国人的航海在英语的传播中扮演了重要的部分。 At present, English is frequently spoken…

English Learning - L3 纠音 W8 Lesson7 Ted Living Beyond Limits 2023.06.27 周二

朗读内容: Lesson 7 Day 47 - 51 句子 Ted Living Beyond Limits 3-22

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson5 Day33 2023.6.6 周二

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson5 Day33 2023.6.6 周二 引言🍉句1: And theres a student reading an English textbook.成分划分弱读连读语调 🍉句2: What do their choices say about them?成分划分连读爆破语调 🍉句3: Do you jud…

English Learning - L2 语音作业打卡 双元音 [ʊə] [eə] Day17 2023.3.9 周四

English Learning - L2 语音作业打卡 双元音 [ʊə] [eə] Day17 2023.3.9 周四💌发音小贴士:💌当日目标音发音规则/技巧:🍭 Part 1【热身练习】🍭 Part2【练习内容】🍭【练习感受】🍓元音 [ʊə…

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson4 Day27 2023.5.31 周三

English Learning - L3 作业打卡 Lesson4 Day27 2023.5.31 周三 引言🍉句1: It is so crowded that we are packed like sardines – just like small fish in a can.成分划分弱读连读爆破语调 🍉句2: My supervisor at work is sometimes out to lunch.…